The State of Things with Random World Games

The State of Things with Random World Games

The State of Things with Random World Games

Hello Galactic Citizens!

I wanted to jump online and share an exhilarating update about the fantastic projects happening at Random World Games.

These past few months have been a whirlwind of activity for me, balancing my day job as a marketing manager and my passion at Random World Games. I embarked on an exciting mini-travel adventure, attending both ClaringCon and CanGames in May. These events were a blast! I had the incredible opportunity to introduce new players to Project EOS Rise. Each day at the con was packed with thrilling activities from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm. Meeting so many enthusiastic fans and new players was an absolute pleasure.

In other exciting news, our mini spin-off game, The Drift, is deep in development. I conducted some serious game testing throughout May and, as usual, went back to the drawing board to refine several rules and mechanics. The most exciting part? I invited my good friend Neil Upshall to co-design this project with me. It's been an amazing experience collaborating rather than working solo. I can't wait to start sharing more details about this project with you all!

Finally, let's talk about the sequel to Project EOS Rise: Foundation Rise. This ambitious project has made significant progress, although it's taken a bit of a backseat while I develop The Drift. Given its complexity, I plan to dive back into Foundation Rise this fall.

That's all the big news for now. But before I go, here's a heads-up: Project EOS Rise has been selling steadily each month, and our stock is running low. If you've been on the fence about getting a copy, this might be your last chance before they sell out!

Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support. I look forward to continuing to create and share great stories through our games.

Bye for now, James

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