What Reviewers Are Saying!

Discover what makes Project EOS Rise a standout experience for players and reviewers alike! From thrilling adventures and unique gameplay mechanics to high-quality components, read the latest reviews and find out why our game is capturing the hearts of gamers everywhere. Dive into the feedback from those who have embarked on this cosmic journey and see why Project EOS Rise is a must-have addition to any game collection.

Inspired 2 Game

  • Inspired 2 Game

    "Now this is a game that plays for roughly 2 hours. And, that time passes so quickly! There is a ton going on here. There are a lot of game in the box."

    Watch The Review 
  • The Hungry Gamer

    "It's a cool game, It really is a cool game! Every game I've played has come down to the end. That's a game with the right balance."

    Watch The Preview 
  • Brains On Games

    "A lot is going on in this game that I still want to try. There is so much replaybility. This is a real evolution of the pandemic style of game."

    Watch The Preview 
  • The Fanatic Previews

    "Project EOS Rise is a unique blend of ideas. It's an exciting space opera that I highly recommend to solo gamers!"

    Watch The Review 
  • The Level Up Board Game Podcast

    "Every time you play, you're going to get a slightly different story. What I want to drive home is Xia meets Pandemic in an epic space opera. Tremendous job! Phenomenal job with tons of replayability."

    Listen To The Review 
  • Gamesreviews.com

    "For board game veterans who want a real challenge, I cannot recommend Project EOS Rise enough!"

    Read The Review 

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